The Benefits
“Kambo is one of the strongest natural anti-inflammatory, antibiotic, antimicrobial and anaesthetic substances found in the world and one of the strongest, natural ways to strengthen the immune system.” Source: iakp.org
On a physical level, kambo has the ability to provide a deep detox for the body (namely the liver and intestines), as well as rousing the immune system, bringing it back to a state of optimum function. This may provide benefits for any existing health issues, potentially leading to an improvement or recovery.
Kambo provides powerful pain-relieving properties, with its naturally-containing peptide Demorphin being scientifically proven to be significantly more potent than morphine, without any side effects.
Kambo increases energy, stamina, and our resistance to physiological stress, whilst decreasing tiredness, hunger and thirst. It is also gaining popularity amongst athletes, as it known to significantly increase endurance and decrease recovery time.
After a kambo cleanse it is common to notice a heightening of the senses, bringing that “hunting magic” into the Western world.
On a mental level, kambo enhances the mood whilst allowing the mind to become still and relaxed. This is thought to be a result of its naturally-containing peptide Dermorphine, which exhibits potent opiate-like activity on opioid receptors in the brain, potentially resulting in a release of dopamine.
It increases focus, alertness, awareness and clarity of mind. It can allow one to see things clearly and make decisive action. Kambo brings us into a state of alignment, allowing us to uncover and overcome limiting beliefs and thought patterns.
On an emotional level, kambo is infamous for lifting the mood and improving our sense of wellbeing. It has the ability to increase our resistance to stress, whilst decreasing feelings of anxiety and depression. It gives us the courage to process and release traumas, wounds and emotional baggage.
On a spiritual level, kambo is said to lift ‘panema’, (malaise, depression, bad luck or negative energy) which is keeping you from accomplishing your goals and out of alignment with living the life you truly desire. In the jungle, if it is felt that bad luck or heavy energy has come upon a member of the tribe, kambo is often used to remedy this.
Kambo facilitates us in releasing emotional and energetic blockages. From a shamanic perspective, this could be described as assisting us in extracting intrusions from the energy field. It is also known to benefit the flow of energy in the chakras and meridians of the body.
It is a truly holistic treatment, bringing the body, mind and spirit into a state of balance and harmony.
Having been subject to nearly three decades of scientific research, it is believed that the peptides within kambo have the potential to develop new treatments for - addictions, Alzheimer’s disease, arthritis, cancer, candida, chronic fatigue syndrome, depression, diabetes, hepatitis, HIV, chronic pain, Parkinson’s disease, rheumatism and vascular problems.
There is also much anecdotal evidence to suggest kambo’s potential in benefiting fertility, anxiety, fibromyalgia, Lyme disease, migraines, PTSD and skin disorders.
“Recent studies have shown that Kambo contains multiple antimicrobial peptides effective against drug resistant strains of bacteria, fungi, protozoa, parasites and virus, providing opportunities for the development of new and more efficient nanotechnological-based therapies for treating infectious diseases”
Source: Iakp.org
The Kambo Experience
Before your kambo cleanse commences, you will be asked to drink between 1.5-2 litres of water 15 minutes before the kambo is applied. This is to provide the kambo with a medium to carry the toxins out of the body through purging. You will have been fasting from food for a minimum of eight hours and minimising water intake prior to your treatment.
The kambo secretion, which is dried onto a stick, will be reconstituted with water and made into small balls which we refer to as “points”. The number of points administered to each person will vary depending on a number of factors, but this will be discussed with you prior to commencing. Kambo is applied to the body through “gates”, which are superficial burns made on the top layer of the skin with a natural incense stick. The kambo is applied directly on the gates and from there it will be distributed throughout the body via the lymphatic system.
As kambo enters the body, it will cause your blood pressure to rise. This can result in you experiencing increased heart rate, a pounding or rushing sensation in your head, skin tingling, dizziness and some swelling of the face and/or throat. This is a completely normal part of the process, and occurs due to the effects of the peptides within the kambo secretion. It is not an allergic reaction, nor the body “fighting against” the kambo. These effects are short-lived and the specific sensations experienced will vary from person to person. For example, whilst almost everyone will experience a pounding sensation in the head as the blood pressure rises, not everyone experiences facial swelling or dizziness.
At this point, the kambo will be coursing through your body, scanning for problem areas that it will work on. It is quite common to feel this happen, and to experience some pain or other sensation in these areas. It is all part of the kambo magic! A common example would be feeling the kambo travelling to the site of an old injury.
During the second stage of the kambo process (roughly 5 minutes in), your blood pressure will start to drop. It is common to feel cold and clammy, and it is at this point that most people will begin the purging process. This will usually include a physical purge of vomiting and/or diarrhoea as the toxins are removed from your body via the water you ingested, but may also include sweating, shaking or an emotional purge. This purging process, whilst mainly a physiological experience, also allows us to release what is no longer serving us on an emotional, energetic and spiritual level. This can result in a feeling of deeper spiritual connection to one’s self. Kambo acts intelligently, listening to our intentions and scanning the body for what needs to be released.
The length of the kambo experiences varies for everyone, but will last roughly between 10-35 minutes.
Once the purging process is completed, you will be encouraged to lie down and rest for half an hour. This is an integral part of the kambo process, as it allows the body to recover and gives you a chance to integrate your experience. You may also find that the cleansing process of the kambo continues, allowing you to have emotional releases, insights and revelations.
After you have rested, you will be offered a light vegan/vegetarian lunch to re-energise your body.
Following your kambo cleanse, your gates will be dressed in a medicinal Amazonian tree sap called Dragon’s Blood, which will reduce pain and inflammation of the area, accelerate healing and reduce scarring.
After your kambo ceremony, it is advised to allow yourself the day to rest, recover and integrate your experience. Some people may feel the benefits of kambo immediately and for others these will be felt within 24-48 hours. It is also common if you have been suffering from any illnesses to experience a Herxheimer reaction for a few days after your session, that is, you may feel worse before you feel better. This is a completely normal part of working with kambo, or any other natural medicine.
The Treatment Types
The Basic Treatment
A basic treatment is traditionally administered on the upper left arm for men and the lower right leg for women. It will consist of receiving 3-9 points of kambo, although this number occasionally increases depending on the needs of the client. If it is your first time to receive kambo, or your first time to attend a ceremony with me, you will be given a test point at the beginning of your kambo treatment. This is a safety protocol developed by the International Association of Kambo Practitioners, and involves the application of only one point of kambo for the first several minutes of your treatment, in order to gauge your sensitivity to kambo, and to allow for the quick reversal of the experience should you have an adverse reaction (this is a very rare occurrence). This also helps to determine the final number of points you will be receive during your treatment.
The Layered Treatment
A layered treatment involves the gradual, timed application of kambo points, working up to the specific number chosen for your treatment, or beyond that number in some cases. It allows for a gentler experience with kambo, making it suitable for people who may be weak, frail or experiencing some anxiety. This treatment although gentler, will generally last a bit longer than a basic treatment.
The Targeted Treatment
A targeted treatment allows us to work towards healing a specific intention, be it physical, mental, emotional, spiritual or a combination of these factors. Through an in-depth consultation, we gain a picture of where you were, where you are now, and where you would like to go, and develop a specific treatment plan to facilitate you in your healing journey with kambo. With targeted treatments, we work on specific energy centres and channels in the body, by making use of the chakras, meridians and acupuncture points on the ears.
The Vacina da Floresta
The Vacina da Floresta or Vaccine of the Forest is a tradition developed by the Caboclo people (persons of mixed Indigenous Brazilian and European ancestry) which involves having three kambo treatments within a moon cycle (28 days), most commonly over 3-7 days. It can be observed that by working with kambo in this manner you may accelerate your healing process as you delve deeper, shedding the layers of what no longer serves you and further opening up to kambo’s healing potential with each ceremony. For those coming to kambo with a goal such as releasing emotional trauma, relieving depression, or easing certain physical ailments, the Vacina da Floresta can be the most effective way to work with kambo.
From a physiological perspective, the Caboclo believe that the Vacina da Floresta acts like an inoculation against disease, as your immune system receives the optimal reboot. Whilst this cannot be guaranteed, many people do report experiencing a prolonged period without contracting illnesses like a cold or flu after working with kambo in this manner.
Whether the Vacina da Floresta is right for you is a personal choice and usually something that is intuitively felt and decided, although it sometimes may be recommended if you are working towards healing a certain ailment.
Whilst it is sometimes marketed as being vital to receive the Vacina da Floresta in order to bring about optimal healing and obtain a deep connection with kambo, this is not necessarily true. For some, one or two sessions may be enough to put them in alignment with their intended goals.
The Energy Wave Treatment
Energy Wave Kambo differs from all other treatments, in that it does not involve drinking water or experiencing a heavy physical purge. It offers an opportunity to experience the profound energetic healing of kambo in a more gentle, relaxing manner.
With the absence of the traditional physical purge, many people find that they become more aware of the somatic healing qualities of this medicine, as well as being able to receive the wisdom and clarity that kambo brings more readily during the process. The experience of Energy Wave Kambo is often described as being one of tranquility, presence and deep relaxation.
It is recommended that you receive kambo in its traditional form at least twice with me, before deepening your healing journey with Energy Wave Kambo. However, if basic or layered treatments are unsuitable for you, I may suggest we work with this method. Energy Wave Kambo can also be beneficial for those who are near end of life, or are suffering from severe illness.
It is necessary to fast (including water) for at least six hours prior to experiencing Energy Wave Kambo. A session of this type will last roughly four hours, but this may vary.
The Intensive Treatment
Intensive treatments generally involve having a multitude of tailored kambo treatments within a short space of time. This is done to target acute or chronic physical and emotional conditions. The frequency of these treatments will vary from person to person, depending on the condition presented and the overall aim of working with kambo.
The Warrior Treatment
The Warrior Treatment is an option for those experienced with kambo. It is an extremely powerful treatment that involves having three sessions of kambo within three hours, and it can be beneficial for those who have found themselves at a crossroads, need to break through a significant blockage in their life, or desire guidance in overcoming an overwhelming challenge.