Lava of Love
“When you learn to love and to let yourself be loved, you come home to the hearth of your own spirit.” - John O’Donohue.
Recently I worked with a client who told me that deep down he yearned for love, but felt unwilling to open up to a woman because he didn’t want her to have to “deal with his stuff”, even if she wanted to.
I feel that many of us can relate to this.
Our desire for love is a primal rip-roar that undulates deep from within our being.
We know it starts with us, within. We know that we must bless our shadow places with kisses to arrive at the beautiful luminosity of the self.
But eventually we will be called to step towards a sacred union that through its mere existence will shine a light on parts of us that we may not even know exist. Wounds, traumas and patterns that lay dormant and unexamined in our psyche.
When faced with our beloved these parts will start to bubble and boil. The volcano of pain will ache to erupt. We can try our best to suppress it, but as we face the mirror that lovingly stands right in front of us, there then comes a time when we have no choice but to release our lava.
It may burn, it may ignite a fire, but it does not have to destroy.
If we can bear witness to what is being presented, if we can hold space for it from a place of curiosity and non-judgment, we can begin to open to the depth of healing this person is initiating in our lives. A level of healing that we may not have reached alone.
Love is a sacred container of transformation. It will shake us up, it will reveal our “stuff”, it will call us forth to blow the cobwebs off our bones and step into a more embodied, healed version of the self.
This process is not easy, it can sneak up on us when we least expect it. But it will not happen before we are ready. The arrival of the beloved catalyst signals that we are being called to evolve. This dance of souls was planned long ago.
Love is always trying to guide us home. We should not resist its invitation because we fear the growing pains.
If we endeavour to surrender, to let our lava flow, it will alchemise to a gem of obsidian wisdom within the heart that will anchor us in deeper love.
Always love, love always.
Art: Tina Maria Elena Bak