The Contraindications
For the majority, kambo is a safe cleanse with many benefits. However, it is not suitable for everyone. The following list includes conditions that are contraindicated from receiving kambo.
The list is not exhaustive and suitability for kambo can occasionally depend on the constitution of the person, so it is important to consult with me if you have any concerns.
I will personally review your suitability for kambo before you join me in ceremony. That way, you can be confident that kambo is a good fit for you.
Kambo is contraindicated for people who:
● Have serious heart problems or have had heart surgery. This includes a pacemaker but excludes stents
● Have had a stroke or a brain haemorrhage
● Have an aneurism or blood clot
● Have experienced any previous oesophagus bleeding or rupture
● Are recovering from a major surgical procedure with internal stitches
● Are on medication for low blood pressure
● Lack the mental capacity to make the decision to take kambo
● Have serious mental health problems, excluding depression, PTSD and anxiety
● Are undergoing chemotherapy or radiotherapy, or have done so within the last 4 weeks
● Are taking immune-suppressants after an organ transplant
● Have Addison’s disease
● Have current and severe epilepsy
● Have experienced bleeding or rupture of the oesophagus
● Have Ehlers-Danlos syndromes
● Are under 18 years old
● Are pregnant or may be so, or are breastfeeding a child under 6 months old
● People who have been partaking in long term fasting or water fasting within seven days of their kambo session, excluding the required fasting beforehand
Cautions to be aware of:
If you are planning on receiving kambo and any of the conditions below apply to you, it is important to let me know in advance. Kambo may still be suitable for you, but extra precautions will need to be applied.
People taking immune-suppressants for autoimmune disorders
People taking high doses of slimming, sleeping or serotonin medications or supplements
People with eating disorders
People who take recreational drugs
People with active drug or alcohol addictions (suitability will differ from person-to-person)
People with abnormally high or low blood pressure
People with liver or kidney problems
People with viral infections eg HIV, Lyme disease, hepatitis
People with multiple sclerosis
People who regularly consume diuretic medication or supplements and anti-diuretic drinks/sports drinks
Athletes or those who regularly partake in high-intensity physical exercise
Colonics, enemas, liver flushes or any other water-based detox should be avoided for a minimum of three days before and after kambo.
Long term fasting of any type or water fasting should be avoided for a minimum of seven days before and after kambo
Boerhaave Syndrome:
Boerhaave syndrome is a spontaneous perforation of the oesophagus caused by a sudden increase in intraesophageal pressure as a result of severe straining or vomiting. Whilst this is an extremely rare occurrence, it is vital that you are informed and have an understanding of this risk before attending a kambo ceremony. Currently there are three recorded cases of oesophageal rupture during kambo worldwide.
Before your kambo ceremony begins, you will be asked to sign a consent form stating that you have been made aware of and have an understanding of this risk.
To read more about Boerhaave syndrome, click here.