Sacred Masculine


I am calling on all women to hold our brothers in a space of support, understanding and acceptance. We are living in a time in which the feminine is rising, but as a result the masculine is collectively receiving ridicule and judgement from us. This is not a correct expression of divine femininity, nor is the supposed masculinity we are fighting against the true essence of masculine energy.

The patriarchal system which governs our world is an expression of the immature masculine, and serves as an attack on both the masculine and the feminine. As the universe always seeks balance, we are currently witnessing a rising of men who have brought this into their awareness and seek to evolve, and step into their power as the mature, authentic masculine. I encourage us women to step up and support each man who works towards his own evolution and the evolution of the male collective. Hold space for the man in the western world who has not been initiated from boyhood into manhood, and attempts to cross this bridge himself in a society that honours the “alpha male” above any authentic expression of masculinity.

I bow down in respect to the men who are joining together to connect and heal, both themselves and the universal masculine energy. By doing so, these men are not only coming into alignment with their true masculine essence but also opening up and embracing the feminine within them, and in my opinion, it is this connection to the self and balancing of both polarities that makes the masculine truly divine.

Aho brothers!


The Call of the Frog


Evolving with Kambo