Summer Solstice
Basking under the radiant sun, his rays penetrate our being.
His fire burns away that which no longer serves us.
We open. We shine.
We are inspired by his maximum expansion to claim what we seek.
Place a flag in the land of our soul’s desire and journey there with clarity and direction.
Honour his potency. Feel the ecstasy of the peak.
In this moment of fullness, the feminine surrenders to him in all his glory.
Direction and intuition make love.
And then with a breath, she returns.
The subtle force of the feminine now begins to grow.
Ever so slowly guiding us into the darkness.
Whispering that we may soften and surrender, as we become reacquainted with the lingering gaze of the moon in the night sky.
On, they dance.
Art: Tina Maria Elena Bak