
Our truth reveals itself in our mind’s silence.

It waits for a grand pause, clears its throat and sings a melody which bridges the gap between who we are and who we are pretending to be.

You may run from your truth, but it will seek you. It will find you in those moments of deep exhale as you gaze at the night’s sky. When you see its reflection in the face of the moon, who are you willing to see looking back at you?

Truth is a fire in the belly. Blessed with the breath of a bellow, it blazes a trail of authenticity. Dampened with ash, it stagnates, and its guiding light is lost to us as we stumble down an unmarked path.

But our truth does not give up on us.

Beyond this path, there is a clearing with crystal waters through which your truth ripples. Kissing rock and river edge as it floats in surrender. Nestling in a beaver dam as it waits for you to claim it.

It prays to the cosmos that you may plunge your hands in and catch it, dusting off the traumas that smother it, revealing the jewel that was birthed in the chalice of your soul.

Your truth wants you to know that it is sacred. It is safe for you to honour it. It is your right to own it.

Your sacred truth is your most precious gift.

You abandon yourself and others when you do not speak your truth. You cast a shadow upon your most vulnerable, beautiful self.

Gift your truth to the world like the song of a blackbird welcoming the dawn. The blackbird sings its truth without hesitation. Its truth has a purpose which the blackbird does not question. It does not hold back its enchanting chorus for fear it will not be accepted or understood by those who hear it. It simply sings. And in doing so, the blackbird selflessly blesses each morning walker with a soul tonic.

A person who stands in their truth is electric. It radiates from their being with a voice that says, “I am, yes, I am.”

Your truth is hungry for you to open your heart to it. It has much to say. It has many gifts to offer you. It is right, and it is time, for you to claim it.

Art: Tina Maria Elena Bak


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