An Cailleach
As we journey towards Samhain (the Celtic new year) we prepare to meet the energy of An Cailleach - the wise crone, the Queen of winter. We feel her presence in the biting evening winds, in the crisp withered leaves beneath our feet. We hear her whispers in the deep, otherworldly space created by a thick blanket of morning fog.
As she oversees the death and decay of the winter months, she calls us to face what is no longer servings us in our lives.
Are we willing to meet her stern but loving gaze as she urges us to let go of what we are grasping on to, to our detriment?
What needs to wither away? What do we need to let go of and allow to die?
An Cailleach asks us to trust that if we can bravely surrender to these changes, the void left behind by our loss will make room for that which is in alignment with our soul’s deepest yearning.
Can we embrace her wild destructive nature and channel it for our evolution?
Can we let go and dance with her across the sparse winter landscape? Knowing that as we do, we are treading upon the seeds of our transformation. Seeds that will be nurtured by the solitude and introspection of winter, readying to blossom as we shift into a new season of our lives.