Feminine Rising
No one is perfect, no gender is perfect. The feminine too has a dark side that is rampant. The sirens, the coquettes, the misandrists who masquerade as feminists. This is not sacred, empowered feminine. This is the wounded feminine. No matter how liberating or trendy the movement may appear.
The feminine is rising. But what this really means, or what it SHOULD mean, is that we are rising above our conditioning. Yes, we are angry about how our female ancestors were treated. Yes, we are angry about how we are still being treated. But should that anger continue to be channelled in the wrong direction, what will be the consequence? A matriarchal system run by misandrists? This is not conducive to union, to harmony, and it is not a world I want to live in.
As we rise, we need to stand in solidarity with our brothers. We need to realise that we are all wounded by societal conditioning and have compassion for ourselves and for each other. We also need to realise that we are at a pivotal point in history, in which we can change this societal dynamic for the better. We should not be enemies because we are not separate from each other, we are one.
Now is the time to lift each other up. Now is the time to heal and grow together.
Men, now is the time to support the evolving female, as she steps into her power and unencumbered creativity after centuries of oppression.
Women, now is the time to support the evolving masculine, as he realises the consequences of living in an isolating patriarchal system and thus opens up to seek support and community.