Mama Cacao
Rising shakti, rising radiance.
Mama cacao flowing through my veins.
What practices nourish your feminine essence?
Ceremonial cacao has been an integral part of my journey towards balancing my masculine and feminine energies.
As I sit with her each morning she awakens me to my connection to the divine, so that the vibration of the swan’s wings that fly overhead as I drink her nectar reverberate deep within my soul.
She holds a key to the often unseen energies of the world around us. She opens the door to the betwixt and between.
She connects me to the hum deep within the earth and high in the heavens simultaneously. My heart, the intermediary.
With her, I soften. When I dance with her, I not only awaken to the primal sway of my hips, but feel myself surrender to my feminine essence which radiates beyond my body and into my energy field.
With her, I feel. I am invited to experience the radiance of my own sexuality.
Nowadays a woman’s sexuality is many things: misunderstood, glorified, objectified, suppressed, flaunted, taboo. We are madonnas. We are wh*res.
Mama Cacao whispers the truth straight into the cauldron of our heart.
A woman’s sexuality is magic. A woman’s sexuality is sacred. A woman’s sexuality is hers. It is the highest honour to be invited into her temple.
Should you receive an invitation, arrive with an open heart. Take your shoes off. Bask in her radiance. Surrender to her feminine force, which is pure love and creation personified. And finally, never underestimate where she can take you.
Aho ❤️
Beautiful artwork by @novraka